Thursday, February 4, 2016

SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) report via AX 2012 using RDP approach

SSRS report in AX 2012 with the help of RDP classes.
1.      Create 1 temporary table with those fields which you want in SSRS report.
2.      Create 1 data provider class and extends SRSReportDataProviderBase class.
3.      Create 1 contract class for dialog parameters with methods [DataMemberAttributes] and class declaration have [DataContractAttribute].
4.      If we want to add any lookup or want to manipulate dialog field by means of other fields or individually for and dialog field then, create 1 UIbuilder class which extends SRSReportDataContractUIBuilder class.
5.      If we want pass default parameters for the dialog field we can create 1 controller class extends SRSReportRunController.
6.      Report design with help of visual studio 2010.
7.      Deployment of report.
Requirement:  If we want to display customers (one time and permanent) with their invoice and total amount excluding tax.
·         Customer string with the look up so that user can print either all or 1.
·         One time checkbox if this is check customer lookup will show those 1 time customer list else only permanent customer list.
·         If one time check and no customer selected report will display all 1 time customers with the desired value.
·         If one time check and customer selected report will display customer with the desired value.
·         If one time is not check and no customer is selected then report will display all permanent customers’ value.
·         If one time is not check and customer is selected then report will display selected customers’ value.

Elaborated steps:
1.      Create 1 temporary table with those fields which you want in SSRS report.
·         AOT> DataDictionary> Tables> New tstCustInvoiceDataTmp table.
·         Set TableType property as InMemory.
·         Create fields.
Field name


2.      Create 1 data provider class and extends SRSReportDataProviderBase class.
AOT>Classes> new tstCustInvoiceDataProvider extends SRSReportDataProviderBase
Class tstCustInvoiceDataProvider extends SRSReportDataProviderBase
     // declare temporary table buffer
     tstCustInvoiceDataTmp      custInvoiceDataTmp;
     // declare contract class variable for accessing parameter’s value
     tstCustInvoiceContract       custInvoiceContract;
Public tstCustInvoiceDataTmp   getCustInvoiceDataTmp()
      // Specify condition on which basis report will display data.
      Select * from custInvoiceDataTmp;
       return custInvoiceDataTmp;
/// Processes the SQL Server Reporting Services report business logic
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method provides the ability to write the report business logic. This method will be called by
/// SSRS at runtime. The method should compute data and populate the data tables that will be returned
/// to SSRS.
/// </remarks>
Public void processReport()
CustTable        custTbale;
SalesTable       salesTable;
SalesLine         salesLine;
custInvoiceContract = this.parmDataContract() as tstCustInvoiceContract;
while select CustTable
            join SalesTable
                        join salesLine
                        where  salesTable.CustAccount          == custTable.AccountNum
                        &&      SalesLine.SalesId        == salesTable.SalesId
                        &&      salesTable.SalesStatus == salesStatus::Invoice          
                        &&      (custTable.AccountNum         == custInvoiceContract.parmAccountNUm()
                        ||           CustTable.OneTimeCust         == custInvoiceContract.parmOneTime())           
            custInvoiceDataTmp.CustAccount    = custTable.AccountNum;
            custInvoiceDataTmp.Name                = CustTable.Name;
            custInvoiceDataTmp.InvoiceId          = SalesTable.InvoiceId;
            custInvoiceDataTmp.Amount            =

3.      Create 1 contract class for dialog parameters with methods [DataMemberAttributes] and class declaration have [DataContractAttribute].
[DataContractAttribute, SysOperationContractProcessingAttribute(classstr(tstCustInvoiceDataUIBuilder))].
Class tstCustInvoiceContract
         NoYesId              oneTimeCust;
         CustAccount        custAccount;
CustAccount  parmAccountNum(CustAccount _custAccount = custAccount)
        custAccount = _custAccount;    
        return custAccount;
[DataMemberAttributes, SysOperationLabelAttribute(literalStr("One time"))]
NoYesId   parmOneTime(NoYesId _oneTime = oneTimeCust)
        oneTimeCust = _oneTime;
        return oneTimeCust;

4.      If we want to add any lookup or want to manipulate dialog field by means of other fields or individually for and dialog field then, create 1 UIbuilder class which extends SRSReportDataContractUIBuilder class.
Class tstCustInvoiceDataUIBuilder extends SRSReportDataContractUIBuilder
        dialogField                          dlgCustAccount;
        dialogField                          dlgOnetimeCust;
        tstCustInvoiceContract       custInvoiceContract;
Public void postBuild()
         custInvoiceContract        = this.dataContractObject();
         dlgCustAccount              = this.bindInfo().getDialogField(custInvoiceContract,     methodStr(custInvoiceContract, parmCustAccount));
         dlgOnetimeCust              = this.bindInfo().getDialogField(custInvoiceContract, methodStr(custInvoiceContract, parmOneTime));
         //register the method we want to override
         dialogField.registerOverrideMethod(methodstr(FormStringControl, lookup), methodstr(SRCustomLookupsUIBuilder, accountNumLookup), this);

private void accountNumLookup(FormStringControl accountNumLookup)
    Query                   query = new Query();
    QueryBuildDataSource    qbds_CustTable;
    SysTableLookup          sysTableLookup;
    QueryBuildRange         qbr;

    if (accountNumLookup != null)
        // Create an instance of SysTableLookup with
        // the current calling form control.

        sysTableLookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tablenum(CustTable), accountNumLookup);
        // Add fields to be shown in the lookup form.
        qbds_CustTable = query.addDataSource(tableNum(CustTable));
        sysTableLookup.addLookupfield(fieldnum(CustTable, AccountNum), true);
        sysTableLookup.addLookupfield(fieldnum(CustTable, Name),false);

        qbr = qbds_CustTable.addRange(fieldNum(CustTable,OneTime));


        // Perform the lookup.


public boolean OneTimeModified(FormStringControl _control)
            return true;

5.      If we want pass default parameters for the dialog field we can create 1 controller class extends SRSReportRunController.
Class tstCustInvoiceDataController extends SRSReportRunController

protected void prePromptModifyContract()
       tstCustInvoiceContract       custInvoiceContract;
       // defaulting parameters
       custInvoiceContract = this.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract() as tstCustInvoiceContract;
public static client void main(Args args)
//define the new object for controller class
tstCustInvoiceDataController custInvioceDataController;
custInvioceDataController = new tstCustInvoiceDataController ();

//pass the caller args to the controller

//set the report name and report design to run          custInvioceDataController.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(tstCustInvDataReport,CustInvoiceDesign));

//execute the report

6.      Report design with help of visual studio 2010.
·         Open Visual studio. Go to File>New > Project
In the Installed templates section select Microsoft Dynamics AX and then select Report Model in the right pane. Name the project tstCustInvDataReport and press Ok.
  • A new project will be created as shown below (Solution explorer)
·         Now add a new report in the project by right clicking on the project tstCustInvDataReport > Add > Report
  • A report will be added to the project with the name Report1. Rename the report tstCustInvDataReport.
  • Now double click the report to open it.
  • The description of the individual node is given below:
o   Datasets: Datasets retrieve data from RDP class. It acts as a bridge between AX and the SSRS report. Only the fields added in the datasets can be used in a report.
o   Designs: It defines the layout of the report.
o   Images: It contains the images that you want to display in the SSRS report.
o   Data Methods: It contains the business logic which can then be used in the report.
o   Parameters: It is used to apply filtering to the data in a report. All the parameters defined in the data contract class are automatically added here when the RDP class is defined in the datasets.
·         Now you will want to create a new Dataset by right clicking Datasets àAdd Dataset. Name it CustInvoiceDetail
  • Select the CustInvoiceDetail dataset and open the properties window. Set the Data Source Type to Report Data Provider. Then select the Query field. An ellipse button appears. Click it to open a dialog box.
  • This dialog box lists all the RDP classes present in the AOT. Select tstCustInvoiceDataProvider and press Next.
  • Select the fields to be displayed in the report and press OK. Only the fields selected in this dialog box can be shown in the report.
  • There are two types of designs that can be created in a SSRS report:
o   Auto design: Visual studio automatically creates a design based on the dataset provided. Auto design is the preferred method because it is easy and usually fulfills the majority scenarios.
o   Precision Design: This is used when you need custom placement of fields or the layout of the report is too complex.
  • In this demo we will use Auto Design. Now right click the Designs nodeàAdd à Precision Design. A new design is added. Rename it CustInvoiceDesign. It is recommended that you set the name of the Design to either ‘Design‘or ‘Report‘.
·         Design the report based on requirement.

7.      Deployment of report.
·         Right click on the solution and select “Build”
·         Right click on the solution and select “Deploy”
·         Right click on the solution and select “Add to AOT”
·         Go to environment: refresh the SSRS library and right click on report and select “Deploy element

·         Create 1 output menu item with properties Object Type: class and reference object “tstCustInvoiceDataController

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