Sunday, September 29, 2013

Import from .csv or txt file in AX 2009 through X++ code

Requirement:  Import .cvs or .txt file in AX 2009 using RunbaseBatch class.
Brief Steps:
1.       Create a table or you can use existing if possible.
2.       Create a class which performs all operations.
3.       Csv or txt file pattern.
Elaborated Steps:
1.       Create a table with 4 fields:
Create a table in AOT with name “TestImportTable” having required field which you want to print in your report.
Field Type(EDT, if available)

EmplId String (EmplId)
Name String(Name)
EffectiveDate Date(TransDate)
Salary Real (Amount)

2.       Create a Class which performs all operations.

class testImport extends RunbaseBatch
        DialogField                 dialogFileName;
        FileNameOpen            fileName;
        TextIO                      textIO;
        FileIOPermission          permission;
        Container                  c;
        TestImportTable            importTable;

public Object dialog()
        DialogRunbase       dialog = super();
        dialogFileName = dialog.addField(typeid(FileNameOpen));
        return dialog;

public Object dialog()
        DialogRunbase       dialog = super();
        dialogFileName = dialog.addField(typeid(FileNameOpen));
        return dialog;

public boolean getFromDialog()
        boolean ret;
                ret = super();
        fileName =  dialogFileName.value();
        return ret;

// BP Deviation documented
void importFromTextFile()
        SysOperationProgress    simpleProgress;
        permission      = new fileIOpermission(filename,#io_read);
        textIO          = new TextIO(filename,#io_read);
        simpleProgress  = SysOperationProgress::newGeneral(#AviUpdate,"Import is in progress",100);
        while(textIO.status() == IO_Status::Ok)
                        c  =;
                        if(conLen(c) > 1)
                                importTable. EmplId                = conpeek(c,1);
                                importTable. Name                  = conpeek(c,2);
                                importTable.EffectiveDate     = conpeek(c,3);
                                importTable.Salary                   = conpeek(c,4);

public container pack()
    return [#CurrentVersion,#CurrentList];

public boolean unpack(container packedClass)
        Version version = RunBase::getVersion(packedClass);
        switch (version)
                case #CurrentVersion:
        [version,#CurrentList] = packedClass;
        return false;
   return true;

public void run()
    if (! this.validate())
          throw error("Import has been cancel");
                this.importFromTextFile(); // Import records of txt file
                        info ('Import cancelled');
        catch (Exception::UpdateConflict)
                        if (appl.ttsLevel() == 0)
                             if (xSession::currentRetryCount() >= #RetryNum)
                        throw Exception::UpdateConflictNotRecovered;
                    throw Exception::UpdateConflict;

public boolean validate()
        boolean     ret = true;
    Container   checkType;
    TextIO     errorIo;
    if (! filename)
                ret = checkFailed("Please specify file");
        checkType =  Docu::splitFilename(filename);
    if(Conpeek(checkType,2) != 'txt' || Conpeek(checkType,2) != 'csv')
          ret = checkFailed("file format is incorrect");
    errorIo = new TextIO(Filename, 'r');
    if (! errorIo)
                return checkFailed(strfmt("@SYS18678", filename));
return ret;

static void main(Args args)
    TestImport             importClass;
        importClass = new TestImport ();



3.       Csv or txt file format
You can create a file and for csv you save as .csv file.

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